Sabtu, 22 September 2012

What is Sharia Business Process?

What is Sharia Business Process? as you can see on What is Business Process?. Sharia Business process is how the company to improve their products or services to make more value to the customers based on al quran and hadist or you can say islamic law and as business solution for business continuity effectively, efficiency and rationally to the company. The activities in company must based on islamic sharia. How the products made of or how the products treated and the measure of the product not to decrease it and sell it with reasonable price and not to burden the customers. There is 5 principles in sharia business : prohibition of usury, giving alms and charity, sell kosher(halal), avoid gambling, avoid uncertainty(gharar).

Prohibition of usury, i have been told before about prohibits usury in here. Interest (riba/usury) is added to the loan amount over the term of the loan and the loan amount is set in advance. It has been described in the Qur'an that usury is forbidden QS. Al - Baqarah  ayat 275.

Giving zakat and charity, Zakat as an instrument of redistribution of wealth that belongs to the pillars of Islam that must be carried out, the amount is the fortieth (2.5%) of the estimated assets that have been held for one full year (after first spending / nishab). Goal is to divert income from the rich to the poor. it has been describe in QS At - Taubah : 60 and many more in al-quran. whereas charity is giving something to people like the poor or indigent but without any obligation on the basis of conscience to get His blessings. Recompense to those who give charity will get bountifully rewarded as described in Surah Al - Baqarah 261.

Sell kosher(halal), Prohibition of the production of goods and services which contradict with the value system of Islam is forbidden(haram). Include the trade in alcoholic beverages and or containing pork. it's described on QS Al - Baqarah 173 and QS Al - Maidah 90. You can see what the consequence of eating pork and alcohol in here.

Avoidance of economic activities involving gambling (maysir) Sharia has determined that in the interest of fair and ethical dealings in the agreement, then the enrichment is not in place by playing the lottery should be banned, and one of them through gambling activities (maysir) because here there collection efforts wealth without work. it is forbidden and described on QS Al - Baqarah 219, QS Al - Maidah 90 - 91.

Avoidance of economic activities involving uncertainty (gharar). Uncertainty (gharar) is an activity of running a business blindly without having sufficient knowledge or execute a transaction that excessive risk. In a trading system, there are elements of gharar take someone else's property by way of vanity. And God forbid eating someone else's property by way of vanity, as stated in His Word on QS Al - Baqarah 188. for a detailed explanation of gharar can be seen here.

based on the principles above, we are in a trading system should be based on consensual and not harmful to others or customers. sharia is respects property rights of his people. Therefore, it is not permitted for anyone to take or use the property either through trade or other.

How about sharia system in the company, there's rule in the company just like laws in the country. The law of the company must be based on sharia. The CEO of the company have responsible to the employees to spirit the employees, guiding their moral, not to cheat the attendance, make them comfort of the company and the work of the manager or the employees is working hard so it can make fairness to the worker of the company, and its for the company working properly and there's no conflict to the vision and mission of the company. If the company have other attempt to raise the modal of the company, it must from the kosher attempt, not from gambling, selling drugs or other are forbidden in Islam that will turn your company to insolvent cause there is no blessing to the efforts made ​​outside of Islamic law. 

How the business solution? the first business of the company must have benefit to the market and the contract transaction based on sharia. and its managed by the organization of the company. And the solution of the business must based islamic thought.

I conclude that the sharia business process is the way of the business process with sharia with the manager and employees which have islamic value and the transaction based on sharia.

2 komentar:

  1. Materinya sudah bagus dan mantapzzz....

  2. abstrak bukan latar belakang, tapi ringkasan singkat dari isi tulisan. daftar referensi tidak ada. apa sudah ada kajian dari jurnal penelitian terkini?
