Senin, 08 Oktober 2012

What is the Business Process?

First things what we must know,What is a business process? Business process is how the company to improve the products or services that have more value to the customer and as business solution for business continuity effectively, efficiency and rationally. Making the customer to be impressed with the quality and the price offered by the company. There are activities are structured and systematic as the company managing the structures and systems that have the same relationship between organizations within a company that has one goal, the goal of the company.

"A business process or business method is a collection of related, structured activities or tasks that produce a specific service or product (serve a particular goal) for a particular customer or customers. It often can be visualized with a flowchart as a sequence of activities with interleaving decision points or with a Process Matrix as a sequence of activities with relevance rules based on the data in the process."(wikipedia)

How does it work? Business process helps employees to facilitate the business objectives they are working. to avoid miss communication between employees and employers. By documenting business formalities involved in the organization of the company could lead to an interesting conversation how things should really work effectively. Business processes as well as a shared understanding of how the current condition of the company and human resources in an enterprise in their work.

There's three basic in business process that we must know, Acquisition/payment Business Process, maintain and pay for the resources used, it's just like paying the employees wage. Conversion Process, activities to create products / services, and provide services to the customer, this is how the strategy business to create product/services to the demand of the customers or the new innovation of products/service to the customers and the quality of the product is BETTER, CHEAPER and FASTER the delivery to the customers. And Sales/Collection Business Process, deliver products to the customer business or providing services, and demanded payment for the products / services.

There are 3 events business processes that need to be considered is, Operating Events: is an activity carried out in the operation of business processes to provide goods or services to consumers. Information Events: have three activities, namely the recording of data (records) from operating events, maintaining reference data (files) are very important for the organization / company and reporting (reporting) information that is useful to management. Decision / Event Management: activities undertaken by managers to make better business decisions in terms of planning, controlling, and evaluating business process itself. For example, the decision to open / close the branch, managing business relationships, manage resources within the company or decide to create new product designs.

As you can see to the concept of the business process. I make the diagram like this. Because from the explanation before. The Management Event controlling the operation and information event to make decision of the business solution for the company. Just like if the company have problem to with the employees or the service to the customers. Management Event the only to solve the business problems. How the strategy they do is the Management Event works. whereas the operation event it's operates the business and the information event it's the report to the management event to let them know what happen in their business now.

A company can see whether or not they developed from the results of their business. Because business results depending on how the performance of business processes and coordinate the design of the business. Business processes can be a source of strength in competition and innovation company that will be created by the business process. It depends on how companies managed, coordinated and focused on the company's product or service offering and given the task of the company to be fast, efficient, honest, systematic and effective so insha Allah companies can create better business outcomes and business processes are good too.

So i conclude the process business the point i make, Business Process is business continuity, if there is problems in business, solution of the business process could be not to efficiency in their business not the business. Every organization in the company has their ways to solve their business process problems to make sure their will survive in the business world.

Refference :

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